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Birds 2007

Some of the bird photographs I've taken in 2007

A Lapland Bunting at Springfield (Fair Isle) (17/10/07)
Lapland Bunting

A Snow Bunting at Salthouse (3/2/07)
Snow Bunting

An Iberian Chiffchaff at Colney (23/04/07)
Iberian Chiffchaff

Hooded Crow on Fair Isle (18/10/07)
Hooded Crow

A Pacific Diver on Farnham GP (30/01/07)
Pacific Diver

Rock Doves on Fair Isle (20/10/07)
Rock Dove

A Little Egret at Titchwell (21/04/07)
Little Egret

A Fieldfare on Fair Isle (18/10/07)

A Bar-tailed Godwit at Titchwell (7/11/07)
Bar-tailed Godwit

A Red Grouse at Farr (28/04/07)
Red Grouse (female)

A Hen Harrier at RSPB Minsmere (21/05/07)
Marsh Harrier

A Grey Heron at Cley (15/09/07)
Grey Heron

A Squacco Heron at Earith (11/08/09)
Squacco Heron

A Kittiwake in Bridlington Bay (09/09/07)

A Knot at Gibraltar Point (6/1/07)

A Sand Martin at Cley (14/07/07)
Sand Martin

European Storm Petrel near the Scillies (19/08/07)
European Storm Petrel

A Wilson's Phalarope at Grafham Water (05/05/07)
Wilson's Phalarope

A female Ptarmigan near the summit of Snechta (21/04/07)
Ptarmigan (female)

A male Ptarmigan near the summit of Snechta (21/04/07
Ptarmigan (male)

A Raven on Fair Isle (19/10/07)

A Spotted Redshank at Titchwell (12/02/07)
Spotted Redshank

A Robin at Titchwell 08/09/07

A Common Rosefinch at Warham (8/10/07)
Common Rosefinch

A Sooty Shearwater in Bridlington Bay (09/09/07)
Sooty Shearwater

An Arctic Skua in Bridlington Bay (09/09/07)
Arctic Skua (Pale Phase)

A Long-tailed Skua near the Isles of Scilly (18/08/07)
Long-tailed Skua

A House Sparrow (13/10/07)
House Sparrow

A Barred Warbler at Kelling (8/10/07)
Barred Warbler

A Pallas's Warbler at Frieston Shore (07/05/07)
Pallas's Warbler

A Moltoni's Subalpine Warbler, Burnham Overy Dunes (30/09/07)
Moltoni's Subalpine Warbler

A Desert Wheatear at Horsey (26/11/07)
Desert Wheatear

A Greenland Wheatear at Holme (21/04/07)
"Greenland" Wheatear

A Whinchat at Holme (21/04/07)

A Lesser Yellowlegs in Thornham Harbour (14/01/07)
Lesser Yellowlegs

A Little Auk at Saltfleet (10/11/07)
Little Auk

Avocets at Titchwell (21/07/01)

A Bluethroat at Setter (19/10/07)

A Hoopoe at Bishop Stortford (15/05/07)

A Northern Gannet near the Scillies (18/08/07)
Northern Gannet

A gannet in Bridlington Bay (09/09/07)
Northern Gannet

White-fronted Geese at Holkham (13/1/07)
Eurasian White-fronted Goose

A Greenland White-fronted Goose at Baston Fen (24/03/07)
Greenland White-fronted Goose

Greyags at Da Water (17/10/07)
Greylag Geese

A Ross's Goose at Titchwell (22/09/07)
Ross's Goose

A Dabchick at Cley (15/09/07)
Little Grebe

An American Herring Gull in Stornoway Harbour (27/04/07)
American Herring Gull

A Black-headed Gull at Titchwell (21/04/07)
Black-headed Gull

A Bonaparte's Gull at Farmoor Reservoir (05/05/07)
Bonaparte's Gull

A Glaucous Gull at Cley (12/02/07)
Glaucous Gull

A Greater Black-backed Gull in Bridlington Bay (09/09/07)
Greater Black-backed Gull

Iceland Gull in Stornoway Harbour (27/04/07)
Iceland Gull

A Sabine's Gull at Cley 27/09/07
Sabine's Gull

A Hawfinch at Lynford (3/1/07)

Ring-necked Parakeets at Esher Rugby Club (18/02/07)
Ring-necked Parakeets

A Puffin in Bridlington Bay (09/09/07)
Atlantic Puffin

An American Robin in Bingley (30/01/07)
American Robin

A Ruff at Titchwell (08/09/07)

A Common Sandpiper by Loch Duntelchaig (28/04/07)
Common Sandpiper

A Curlew Sandpiper at Titchwell (15/09/07)
Curlew Sandpiper

A Green Sandpiper at Rutland Water (3/9/07)
Green Sandpiper

A Purple Sandpiper at South Harbour, Fair Isle (17/10/07)
Purple Sandpiper

A Semi-palmated Sandpiper, Porthellick (17/08/07)
Semi-palmated Sandpiper

Stonechat at Cley (01/01/01)

A Whiskered Term at Eyebrook (18/06/07)
Whiskered Tern

A Twite on Fair Isle (20/10/07)

A Lesser Whitethroat on Fair Isle (18/10/07)
Lesser Whitethroat

Wigeon at Cley 01/01/07
Eurasian Wigeon

A Fair Isle Wren in The Havens (20/10/07)
(Fair Isle) Wren


A Red Squirrel in the Findorn Valley (21/04/07)
Red Squirrel

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